Thursday, March 29, 2012

Socially Succinct

The progression of blogging and social media has revolutionized how society functions as well as what it means to be an individual in today’s media-driven world. The rise of Twitter, Facebook and other social media applications has given a voice to the masses. The development of these readily available tools gives anyone the ability to be a content generator and synchronize with like-minded people all over the globe. The rise of these technologies has made the world feel so small. Staying connected is easier than ever, in fact, it also allows social media users to connect with people they aren’t even associated with on a day-to-day basis such as celebrities or politicians. In the past, most news-seekers would look to their preferred sources for information, now people can gather information from multiple sources on one single website. This aspect of social media is really important because it is allowing people to see things from a multitude of different perspectives.  Not only are they seeing information from the news-sources themselves but they can also participate in a online-discourse with other users. In terms of social media, so much changed in just a short time but the surface has really only been scratched. There is so much more to come with the addition of users to these services and social integration throughout the entire internet.

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