Friday, March 30, 2012

Design in a Box

“Design in a Box” is steadily becoming quite the trend among interior designers. For way too long, top-level design services were a luxury only a select few could afford, but through modern technology a new type of design service is provided, one that is much more budget and time conscious. By virtually submitting room measurements and inspiration images, many homeowners (and renters) can now afford designer services.

Ranging from celebrity designers, such as California’s Windsor Smith to the new and savvy, everyone seems to be jumping on board with the more economical approach. But, not only is it more affordable, it’s also more readily available. Most design projects takes months to complete. Color, furniture, and finishes need to be selected, floor plan needs to be devised, and of course numerous meetings occur between client and the project manager to make sure everyone is on board with the style and end result. The internet and email exchange eliminate timely meetings, and strike the cost per hour of a designer. Of course, the loss of client meetings do cause some loss in the design scope, but overall this new virtual product allows access to good design for all.

- Amelia Stein

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